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Review articles and chapters

1. Modern methods of cell and tissue culture. J. Paul. Lab. Practice 9, 29 (1960)

2. Recent technical advances in cell culture. J. Paul. Adv. of Science, p.145 (1960).

3. Il cellule canceroso in vitro. J. Paul. Minerva Medica 52, 2009 (1961).

4. Enzymes and evolution of Aeons of Bions. J. Paul. The Fleck Lecture No 2. University of Glasgow (1961).

5. Information from connective tissue cell cultures. J. Paul. Conf on the Biology of Connective Tissue Cells, Princeton, N.J., p.52 (1961).

6. Mechanisms of metabolic control in cultured mammalian cells. J. Paul. From 'New Developments in Tissue Culture' (ed. James W. Green). Rutgers University Press, N.J. (1962).

7. The cancer cell in vitro: a review. J. Paul. Cancer Res. 22, 431 (1962).

8. Carbohydrate and energy metabolism. J. Paul. In 'Cells and Tissues in Culture' (ed. E.N. Willmer). Academic Press, London and New York (1965)

9. Animal cell culture in cell biology research. J. Paul. From 'Tissue Culture' (ed. C.V. Ramakrishnan). W. Junk, The Hague, pp. 87-92 (1965).

10. Messenger RNA in animal cells. J. Paul. From 'Tissue Culture¹ (ed. C.V. Ramakrishnan). W. Junk, The Hague, pp.139-144 (1965).

11. Metabolic features of cancer cells. J. Paul. In 'The Biology of Cancer¹. Van Nostrand Co., London (1966).

12. General principles of cell nutrition. J. Paul. From 'Problems of In Vitro Culture', Vth Symposium of the British Society for Parasitology.   Blackwell Sci. Publications, pp. 71-80 (1967).

13. Molecular aspects of cytodifferentiation. J. Paul. From 'Advances in Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry', Vol. 3. Academic Press, New York, pp.115-172 (1968).

14. Introduction: Control of carbohydrate metabolism in cell cultures. J. Paul. From 'Toxicity of Anesthetics'. Williams and Wilkins Co., USA, pp.3-10 (1968)

15. Carcinogenesis - a current appraisal. J. Paul. Scot. Med. J. 13, 326-332 (1968)

16. Growth and differentiation of animal cells in culture. J. Paul. Symp. No. XIX, 'Microbial Growth'. General Microbiology Society, London, pp. 351-375 (1969).

17. DNA masking in mammalian chromatin: a molecular mechanism for determination of cell type. J. Paul. 'Current Topics in Developmental Biology (ed. A. Monroy) 5, 317-352 (1970).

18. Transcriptional regulation in mammalian chromosomes. J. Paul. S.E.B. Symp. on Control of Mechanisms of Growth and Differentiation', No.XXV. Cambridge University Press, pp. 117-126 (1970).

19. The methods for isolation and characterisation of chromosomal non-histoneproteins. A.J. MacGillivray, D. Rickwood, A. Cameron, D. Carroll, C.J.Ingles, R.J. Krauze and J. Paul. Methods in Enzymology (1971).

20. Biochemical aspects of foetal erythropoiesis. J. Paul. I. Freshney, D.Conkie and H. Burgos. Inter. Conference on Erythropoiesis (1971).

21. Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotic cells. A.J. MacGillivray, J. Paul and G. Threlfall. Advances in Cancer Research 15 (1972).

22. General Introduction - Growth, Nutrition and Metabolism of Cells in Culture (eds. G.H. Rothblat and V.J. Cristofalo). Academic Press, pp.198 (1972).

23. Functional studies on chromatin. J. Paul, D. Carroll, R.S. Gilmour, I.A.R. More, G. Threlfall, M. Wilkie and S. Wilson. 5th Karolinska Symp. On Fid Research Methods in Reproductive Endocrinology Gene Transcription in Reproductive Tissue, p.277 (1972).

24. Chromosomal non-histone proteins and the transcriptional unit. J. Paul, R.S. Gilmour, I. Hickey, P.R. Harrison, N. Affara and J. Windass. Princess Takamatsu Symp., Japan (1973).

25. Gene masking in cell differentiation - the role of non-histone chromosomal proteins. J. Paul, R.S. Gilmour, I.A.R. More, A.J. MacGillivray and D. Rickwood. 24th Mosbach Colloquium (1973).

26. Oligothymidylic acid tracts in mouse DNA. J. N. Mansbridge, G.D. Birnie, S.Humphries, S. Atisoontornkul and J. Paul. In 'The Eukaryote Chromosome' (ed. W.J. Peacock and R.D. Brock). Australian Nat. University Press, Canberra, pp. 199-203 (1975).

27. The transcriptional unit in eukaryotes. J. Paul. Genetics 79, 151-157 (1975).

28. Regulations of erythroid differentiation in Friend erythroleukaemic cells. P.R. Harrison, N. Affara, D. Conkie, T. Rutherford, J. Sommerville and J. Paul. In 'Progress in Differentiation Research' (ed. N.Muller-Berat et al). North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 135-146 (1976).

29. Molecular mechanisms in erythroid differentiation. J. Paul. In 'Modern Trends in Human Leukemia II' (ed. R. Neth et al). J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munich, pp. 125-135 (1976).

30. Regulations of erythroid differentiation in normal and leukaemic cells. I.B. Pragnell, W. Ostertag, P.R. Harrison, R. Williamson and J. Paul. In Progress in Differentiation Research' (ed. N. Muller-Berat et al).  North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp.501-511 (1976).

31. Chromatin fractionation using metrizamide gradients. S. Malcolm and J. Paul. In 'Biological Separations in Iodinated Density Gradient Media' (ed. D. Rickwood). Information Retrieval Ltd, London, pp.41-50 (1976)

32. The complexity of nuclear RNA and messenger RNA in the uninduced Friend

33. cell. Kleiman, G.D. Birnie, A. Hell and J. Paul.  In 'Molecular Mechanisms in the Control of Gene Expression'. Academic Press, New York and London, pp.391-397 (1976).

34. Organization and expression of chromosomes. J. Paul. Introductory Remarks at Dahlem Workshop. Life Sciences Research Report 4, 11-18 (1976).

35. Organization and expression of chromosomes. J. Paul. Transcription of Reconstituted Chromatin. Dahlem Workshop, Life Sciences Research Report 4, 317-329 (1976).

36. Haemoglobin synthesis and cell differentiation. J. Paul. Brit. Med. Bull. 32, 277-281 (1976).

37. Fidelity of transcription from chromatin and reconstituted chromatin. J. Paul. In 'The Organization and Expression of the Eurkaryotic Genome’ (ed. E.M. Bradbury and K. Javaherian). Academic Press, London, pp.295-302 (1977).

38. Nucleus-restricted polyadenylated ribonucleic acid species in mouse Friend cells. A. Minty, L. Kleiman, G. Birnie and J. Paul. In 'Biochemical Society Transations'. 568th Meeting, Aberdeen, Vol. 5, 679-682 (1977).

39. Transcriptional control in higher eukaryotes. J. Paul, N. Affara, D. Conkie, R.S. Gilmour, P.R. Harrison, A.J. MacGillivray, S. Malcolm and J. Windass. In 'The Molecular Biology of the Mammalian Genetic

40. Apparatus (ed. P. Ts'o). Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Chap. 12, 135-147 (1977).

41. The cell nucleus: digital or analogue computer? J. Paul. In 'International Cell Biology (ed. B.R. Brinkley and K. R. Porter). Rockefeller Press, New York (1977).

42. Molecular biology in medicine. J. Paul. Trends Biochem. Sci. 2, 102 (1977).

43. Gene cloning in cell biology. J. Paul. Cell Biol. Intl. Rep. 2, 311-326 (1978).

44. Properties of transcriptionally active chromatin. J. Paul, E.J. Zollner, R.S. Gilmour and G.D. Birnie. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. on Quantitative Biology, Vol. XLII, 597-603 (1978).

45. Cell differentiation and cancer a summary. J. Paul. In Cell Differentiation and Neoplasia (ed. G.F. Saunders). Raven Press, New York, pp.525-532 (1978).

46. III. Transcription (Introductory Remarks). J. Paul. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 283, 331-332 (1978).

47. Complexity of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA. J. Paul. In 'Specific Eukaryotic Genes'. Alfred Benzon Symp. 13, Munksgaard, pp.397-405m (1979).

48. An approach to the development of probes for detecting type-specific difference between human leukaemias by molecular hybridisation. G.D. Birnie, B.D. Young, S. Hughes and J. Paul. In 'Tumour Markers: Impact and Prospects' (ed. E. Boelsma and Ph. Rumke), pp. 185-200 (1979).

49. Non-histone chromosomal proteins. J. Paul. In 'Biology of the Cancer Cell'. Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, pp.403-407 (1979).

50. In vitro transcription of globin and Friend provirus sequences. J. Paul, T.D.K. Brown, R.S. Gilmour, E. Pays and I.B. Pragnell. In 'In Vivo and In Vitro Erythropoiesis: The Friend System (ed. G.B. Rossi). Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, pp. 283-288 (1980).

51. Induced haemoglobin synthesis in Friend cell variants temperature sensitive for growth. D. Conkie, A. Ritchie, B. Young, P. Harrison and J. Paul. In 'In Vivo and In Vitro Erythropoiesis: The Friend System (ed. G.B. Rossi). Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, pp.391-402 (1980).

52. Cell-cycle dependence of erythroid maturation. J. Paul, D. Conkie and P.R. Harrison. In 'Cell Growth' (ed. C. Nicoloni). Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute, Plenum Press, pp.347-354 (1981).

53. Informational macromolecules in stationary and dividing hepatocytes and hepatomas. J. Paul, H. Jacobs, R. Shott, P. Wilkes and G.D. Birnie. In 'Cell Growth' (ed. C. Nicolini). Proceedings of NATO Advanced Study Institute, Plenum Press, pp.609-617 (1981).

54. Genetic engineering in medicine. J. Paul. Biotechnology and Medicine, Hospital Update, pp.391-406 (1982).

55. Gene switching and cellular differentiation. J. Paul.  In 'Stability and Switching in Cellular Differentiation' (ed. R.M. Clayton and D.E.S. Truman). Plenum Press, pp. 13-21 (1982).

56. Expression of the human epsilon globin gene in mouse erythroleukaemic cells transformed with recombinants between it and a bacterial plasmic vector. J. Paul and D.A. Spandidos. In 'Stability and Switching in Cellular Differentiation' (ed. R.M. Clayton and D.E.S. Truman). Plenum Press, pp.89-92 (1982).

57. The human epsilon globin gene - a paradigm for erythroid differentiation. J. Paul, M. Allan, J. Grindlay and D. Spandidos. In 'Biochemistry of Differentiation and Morphogenesis' (ed. L. Jaenicke). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.142-153 (1982).

58. Cell-cycle dependence of globin gene expression in Friend cells. D. Conkie and J. Paul. In 'Recombinant DNA and Cell Proliferation' (eds. G. Stein and J. Stein). Academic Press, New York, pp.195-218 (1984).

59. Oncogenes J. Paul. J. Path 143, 1-10 (1984).

60. Distant sequences which regulate globin genes. J. Paul, M. Allan, S. Gilmour, D. Spandidos, P. Montague, J. Grindlay, K. Vass, J.-D. Zhu and J. Gow. In ‘Experimental Approaches for the Study of Hemoglobin Switching' (eds. G.Stamatoyannopoulos and A.V. Nienhuis). Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, PP.29-48 (1985).

61. The cell. J. Paul. In 'The Oxford Companion to Medicine' (eds. J. Valton, P.B. Beeson and R.B. Scott). Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp.191-196(1986).

62. Molecular biology of cancer. J. Paul. In 'Biology of Brain Tumour' (eds. M.D. Walker and D.G.T. Thomas). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston, pp.3-6 (1986).

63. Oncogenes. J. Paul. In 'Recent Advances in Histopathology' (eds. P.P. Anthony and R.N.M. MacSween). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp.13-31 (1987).

64. The role of oncogenes in carcinogenesis. J. Paul. In 'Theories of Carcinogenesis' (ed. O.H. Iversen). Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, pp.45-60 (1988).

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