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Qualifications, Degrees, Appointments

Professor John Paul attained numerous qualifications

and was very actively engaged with his profession

throughout his life, as demonstrated by the impressive

list of qualifications he attained, posts and committees

he was appointed to, editorial boards he was asked to

sit on and eponymous lectures given.  The full list is

shown on this page.

Qualifications and Degrees

- MB, ChB, University of Glasgow 1945

- PhD, University of Glasgow 1951

- FRCP (Ed) (Fellow of the Royal College ofPhysicians (Edinburgh) 1971 (member 1953)

-FRSE (Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh) 1962

-FRCPath (Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists) 1973 (Founder member 1964)

-FRCP (Glas) (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Glasgow) 1972 (Member 1966)

-FIBiol (Fellow of the Institute of Biology) 1988

-Hon DSc University of Glasgow 1989


Honorary Appointments

-Honorary Senior Lecturer (Pathology), University of Glasgow, 1966-

-Honorary Reader (Biochemistry), University of Hull 1969-1973

-Professor (Biochemistry), University of Hull 1973-1987

-Member, European Molecular Biology Organisation

-Member, Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1987


Other appointments

-Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Casualty Office and House Physician 1945, 1946

-British Merchant Navy, Ship's Surgeon 1946-1948

-University of Glasgow, Ure Scholarship 1948-1951

-University of Edinburgh, McCunn Scholarship 1951-1952

-College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, Rockefeller Travelling Fellowship 1953-1954

-University of Glasgow, Director, HERT Tissue Culture Laboratory 1954-1961

-University of Glasgow, Reader in Cellular Biochemistry 1961-1964

-University of Glasgow, Titular Professor Biochemistry 1964-1966

-University of Florida, USA, Visiting Professor 1973

-American Society for Cancer, Foreign Corresponding Member 1974-

-Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA, Lillie Fellowship 1976

-Beatson Institute for Cancer, Director 1966-1987

-NHS Consultant 1965-1987

-Secretary-Treasurer, British Tissue Culture Association 1959-1964

-President, British Tissue Culture Association 1964-1965

-President, British Society for Cell Biology 1965-1968

-Vice-Chairman, European Cell Biology Organization 1973-1978

-Chairman, European Cell Biology Organization 1978-1982

-Chairman, West of Scotland Oncological Organization 1973-1979

-President, Biomedical Sciences Section of the British Association 1974

-President, European Tissue Culture Association 1978-1981


Service on Committees

-Senate, Glasgow University 1962-1963

-Faculty of Medicine, University of Glasgow 1962-1963, 1965-1966

-Faculty of Science, University of Glasgow 1963-1964, 1965-1966

-Committee of Glasgow Medical Postgraduate Board 1960-1964

-Member-at-Large, Tissue Culture Association Executive Committee 1957-61

-British Tissue Culture Association Committee 1959-1965

-British Society for Cell Biology Committee 1965-1971

-British Society for Developmental Biology Committee 1967-1970

-Biological Sciences Committee, Science Research Council 1967-1970

-Science Board, Science Research Council 1970-1973

-Cancer Co-Ordinating Committee, Medical Research Council 1970-1984

-Courses and Fellowships Committee, European Cell Biology Organisation 1971-1977

-Cancer Programme Planning Group, Scottish Health Service Planning Council 1976-1978

-Courses Committee, European Molecular Biological Organization 1975-1978

-Scientific Committee, International Union Against Cancer 1973-1977

-Yamagiwa-Yoshida Fellowship Committee, International Union Against Cancer 1977-1978

-Scientific Advisory Committee, Muscular Dystrophy Group 1979-1982

-Medical & Scientific Advisory Panel, Leukaemia Research Fund 1981-1984

-Cancer Advisory Group, Greater Glasgow Health Board 1980-1987

-Glasgow University Committee on Biological Hazards 1976-1987

-Glasgow Organizing Committee of the Cancer Research Campaign 1967-

-Cell Board, Medical Research Council 1982-1986

-CRC/MRC Jointly Supported Institutes Committee 1983-1987

-Organizing Committee, Spetsai Summer School (NATO/EMBO/FEBS) 1983

-Chairman, Review Panel for London Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research 1978-1985

-Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Data Banks, Medical Research Council 1983

-Training Awards Panel, Medical Research Council1983-1986

-Chairman, MRC Committee for Special Training Fellowships in Recombinant DNA Technology 1985-1986

-Muscular Dystrophy Group, X-Chromosome Committee 1982-1987


Managerial Groups and Special Appointments

-Williams Committee on the future of the Microbiological Research Establishment in Porton

-Visit to USA on behalf of the MRC/CRC/ICRF Cancer Co-ordinating Committee to assess the Nixon "Conquest of Cancer" initiative

-MRC Managerial Group for the Mammalian Genome Unit, Edinburgh


Member of Scientific Review Committees

-On behalf of MRC to Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge: International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyons; National Institute for Medical Research, Biochemistry Division and Developmental Biology Division, London; Mammalian Genome Unit, Edinburgh; Radiobiology Unit, Harwell; Institute of Virology, Glasgow; Molecular Haematology Unit, Oxford; Cell Mutation Unit, Sussex.


-On behalf of Cancer Research Campaign to Vessex Medical Oncology Unit and Newcastle Department of Medical Oncology (North of England Branch).


-On behalf of Ludwig Institute to the London Branch.


-On behalf of Imperial Cancer Research Fund to Research Groups.


-On behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Group to the Institute of Neurology, Newcastle; Neurological Institute, London; King's College Hospital, London.


-On behalf of the Marie Curie Foundation to their Research Institute, Oxted.

Editorial Boards

-Experimental Cell Research

-Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology

-British Journal of Cancer

-In Vitro

-Chemico-Biological Interactions

-Current Topics in Developmental Biology

-Cell Differentiation

-Biology of the Cell

-European Journal of Cell Biology

-Genetical Research

-Molecular Aspects of Medicine

-Cambridge Monographs

-Cell Biology International Reports

-Stem Cells

-Leukaemia Research

-International Journal of Cell Cloning

Eponymous lectures

-Fleck Lecture. University of Glasgow 1961

-Kettle Memorial Lecture. Royal College of Pathologists 1972

-Lillie Lecture. Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA 1976

-Graham Lecture. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow 1978

-Roy Cameron Memorial Lecture. Royal College of Pathologists 1983

-Walker Lecture. Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow 1985

-Markson Lecture. Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow 1988

Other achievements

-From 1956-61 participated annually in the Summer Course organised in the United States by the Tissue Culture Association and acted as its Director from 1957-61 at the Universities of Colorado and Wisconsin


-Listed as one of 1000 Most Cited Contemporary Scientists in the World 1965-78

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